Friday, November 4, 2011

5 Crazy Stupid Video Clips From The Depths Of YouTube

stupid video clips
Are you tired of reading about useful software?  Then take a break and watch these crazy stupid video clips. They won’t make you smarter, or a better person, but they will make you laugh.
posted by sri vastav

We’ve all done it – wasted a few hours trying to find hilarious, crazy stupid videos on YouTube. Below are some of my favorites, compiled for your viewing pleasure. Feel free to watch some or all of them, and to share your own favorites in the comments below. I’m counting on you guys to fill the comment section with hilarious videos; we could even put together an entire article of your favorites.

“I Thought Europe Was A Country”

“Budapest is the capital of what European country?”
It’s a stupefyingly simple question, but this game show contestant can’t answer it, prompting what may be the dumbest thing ever said on television:
“This might be a stupid question…but I thought Europe was a country.”
Then it gets worse.
Americans have a reputation for being bad at geography. She’s certainly not doing anything to combat that. This goes way beyond that, though. I’m amazed she possesses the intellectual fortitude to tie her shoelaces.

“Vot Is This With Daddy Long Legs?”

This German guy really doesn’t like Daddy Long Legs, and he kind of has a point. I don’t really know else how to describe this video, but you need to watch it.
  • It is like a furry ball with some sticks that come out.”
  • “How does a Daddy Long Legs make a life?”
  • “It is like maybe a Q-tip head with some frozen spider web leggies.”

“I Love Every Kind of Cat”

There’s something about crazy cat owners that earn them a special place in pop culture. Liking cats a bit too much is a sure sign of crazy, even on the Internet (where cats are typically adored).

  • “I just want to hug all of them, but that’s crazy, I can’t hug every cat.”
  • “I’m sorry, I’m thinking about cats again.”
  • “I just love them, and I want them, and I want them in a basket and I want little bow-ties.”
Of course, this turned out to be a comedy sketch. I still think it’s brilliant.

Bully Cat Traps Cat In A Box

Not all cats are deserving of love, of course. Some are evil, trapping their fellow cats in boxes without any sign of remorse.
There’s not a heck of a lot else to say about that, I suppose.

Chimpanzee Riding On A Segway!

This video contains precisely what’s in the title. Warning! – you will get this song stuck in your head!
I’m aware this is just a single example of an entire genre of videos featuring songs describing an animal doing something, but this is my favorite one.

Animals With British Accents

Finally, from the “I’m not sure why this is funny” department, are a variety of animals with British accents:
If that didn’t make you laugh I’m not sure what will.
Do you have any more favorites? If so, share them below!


There you go, a few crazy stupid video clips from the depths of YouTube. Want more? Check these out:

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